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Ernst Haas

On Set

Cover: On Set
Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 2015
ISBN 9783869305875
Gebunden, 488 Seiten, 58,00 EUR


Herausgegeben von John P. Jacob. As a photographer, Ernst Haas worked with a variety of directors - from Vittorio de Sica to John Huston, Gene Kelly and Michael Cimino - covering movie genres from suspense to the Western, and from comedy to musicals. While the photographic reference system known as the film-still has existed since the birth of cinema, inherent to the genre are precisely those parameters that are essential qualities of Haas' photography, and which interact in a striking manner with his images made independently of film. On the one hand, we find photographs documenting shoots and depictions of individual scenes. On the other hand, it is Haas' clear ambition to inscribe a temporal dimension into these images; to impose filmic principles into the stills which, viewed in a sequence, generate movement and narrative. While adding a fascinating new take on the sets and the stars he photographed, Ernst Haas' "On Set" will also introduce readers to a little-known but crucial dimension in the work of this celebrated photographer.

Rezensionsnotiz zu Süddeutsche Zeitung, 02.04.2015

Der in Wien geborene Magnum-Fotograf Ernst Haas war ein Pionier der Hochglanz-Farbfotografie, 1953 lieferte er dem Life Magazine die erste Farbfotoreportage von New York City, weiß Claudia Tieschky. Der bei Steidl erschienene Bildband "On Set" versammelt Setfotos, die Haas zwischen 1949 und 1981 bei den Dreharbeiten von Hollywood-Filmen machte. Fasziniert beobachtet die Rezensentin, wie es Haas gelingt, die Stars zugleich mythisch aufzuladen und ihren Mythos zu demontieren, und staunt, wie experimentell er seine Kamera einsetzt. "Es gab eine Zeit, da waren Fotografen Boxer und gaben der Konvention jedesmal eins drauf", seufzt Tieschky versonnen.
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